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- =====================
- Format of Flash SSD cards and ROMs
- Last modified 1994-09-12
- ==================================
- This file describes information about the structure of existing types of
- Flash cards. It does not apply to RAM cards, and might not apply to new types
- of SSDs that may become available in the future. It does, however, appear to
- apply to the ROM in the 3-Link pod and the SSD ROM used to ship the
- Spreadsheet.
- The term "erased flash card" is one that was partially formatted, after which
- the format was stopped, and then reformatted. This causes the contents of the
- start of the flash card, which is normally preserved by the formatting process
- (see Psionics file FILEIO) to be lost.
- All "trip" values are offsets from the start of the card. The term "NULL"
- means the value $FFFFFF.
- The flash card always begins with:
- Offset 0 (word): $F1A5 ('Flas')
- Offset 2 (long): unique ID of SSD
- Offset 6 (word): unknown @only ever seen 1@
- Offset 8 (trip): unknown @only ever seen 1@
- Offset 11 (trip): pointer to the root directory entry
- Offset 14 to 21: volume name
- Offset 22 to 24: volume extension
- Offset 25 (long): count of times flash card has been formatted, or
- It then continues with either:
- Offset 29 (word): size of the card in 256 byte units (i.e. $1000 = 1Mb)
- Offset 31 (word): unknown @only ever seen $FFFF@
- Offset 33 onward: identity string
- Or:
- Offset 29 onward: identity string
- The first form is seen on flash cards, and the second on ROMs and erased flash
- cards.
- The unique ID is placed there when the SSD is first created, and is preserved
- even when the SSD is formatted. There is no obvious pattern to the ID's.
- Note that different 3-Link pods have different unique IDs.
- If the first byte of the volume name is 00, the volume name is not in
- offsets 14 to 24, but is instead found in a special file record within the
- root directory.
- The identity string is terminated by a zero byte or a $FF byte. The identity
- strings seen to date are:
- "PSION 1.0 01/80"
- "PSION 1.0 06/80"
- "PSION 1.0"
- "Copyright (c) Psion Plc 1991"
- The first two were seen on flash cards, the third on an erased flash card,
- and the last on both the 3-Link pod ROM and the spreadsheet SSD ROM.
- The rest of the flash card is divided into records (unused portions of the
- card are full of $FF bytes).
- The root directory entry is a filing system record. The directory name is
- "ROOT.".
- Filing system records represent entries in directories: other directories,
- files, and volume names. A filing system record is 31 bytes if it represents
- a file, and 26 bytes otherwise:
- Offset 0 (trip): pointer to the next entry in same directory
- Offset 3 to 10: entry name
- Offset 11 to 13: entry extension
- Offset 14 (byte): flags
- Offset 15 (trip): pointer to first entry record
- Offset 18 (trip): pointer to alternate record
- Offset 21 (byte): entry properties
- Offset 22 (word): time code
- Offset 24 (word): date code
- Offset 26 (trip): (file only) pointer to start of first data record
- Offset 29 (word): (file only) length of first data record
- The flags are as follows:
- Bit 0: 1 = entry still valid, 0 = entry deleted
- Bit 1: 1 = properties, time, and date valid
- Bit 2: 1 = file or volume name, 0 = directory
- Bit 3: 1 = no entry record (so NULL at offset 15)
- Bit 4: 1 = no alternate record (so NULL at offset 18)
- Bit 5: 1 = no more entries in same directory (so NULL at offset 0)
- Bit 6: all entries seen so far have this bit set to 1
- Bit 7: all entries seen so far have this bit set to 1
- The first entry record is:
- for files: first continuation record of file; if the pointer is NULL,
- the file only contains one data record
- for directories: filing system record of first directory entry; if the
- pointer is NULL, the directory is empty
- for volume names: all entries seen so far have a NULL pointer
- If the alternate record exists, then most of the data in the record pointing
- to the alternate record should be ignored, and replaced by the corresponding
- data in the alternate record. The alternate record is:
- for files: a continuation record; ignore the first entry record
- and the data record in the original record
- for directories: alternate records are not used
- for volume names: alternate records are not used
- The entry properties are:
- Bit 0: 1 = read-only file
- Bit 1: 1 = hidden file
- Bit 2: 1 = system file
- Bit 3: 1 = is a volume name
- Bit 4: 1 = directory
- Bit 5: 1 = modified
- The time code is: $800 * hour + $20 * minute + second / 2.
- The date code is: $200 * (year - 1980) + $20 * month + date.
- A file is represented by a linked list of records. The first record is the
- filing system record, or its alternate, and the remaining records are all
- continuation records. A continuation record is 17 bytes:
- Offset 0 (byte): flags (as above)
- Offset 1 (trip): pointer to next continuation record
- Offset 4 (trip): pointer to alternate continuation record
- Offset 7 (trip): pointer to data record
- Offset 10 (word): length of data record, or $FFFF if it is unknown and the
- file is still open
- Offset 12 (byte): entry properties
- Offset 13 (word): time code
- Offset 15 (word): date code
- Note that bits 5, 2, and 0 of the flags will always be set, and that bits 4
- and 3 refer to offsets 1 and 4 respectively. In addition, it is possible for
- bit 3 to be clear but for there to be no next continuation record.
- To examine all the data in a file, start at the filing system record, and then
- proceed as follows for each record in turn:
- If flag bit 4 is set, go to the alternate record and repeat this step.
- Otherwise the next part of the file is given by the data pointer and length
- within this record.
- After using the data: if flag bit 3 is clear and the next continuation
- record pointer is not null, go to that record, starting by examining flag
- bit 4. Otherwise the end of file has been reached.
- As files are modified, the records on the flash card become out of date.
- For example, data that has been overwritten will remain on the card. In
- particular, the properties, time, and date bytes of records will remain even
- when they are not valid (as indicated by flag bit 1). Also note that a
- change to a file may cause several continuation records to be written at the
- same time. In these circumstances, only one of these will have the correct
- properties, time, and date, and the others will be written without them, and
- with some other record overlapping these 5 bytes.
- Reading flash cards
- -------------------
- On later versions of EPOC, flash cards can be read with FilLocReadPDD (see
- Psionics file SYSCALLS). If this is not available, the following code can be
- used to read flash cards. The left four columns give individual bytes; the
- right column is the bytes reorganized as long words.
- EB 3A 55 E8 E8553AEB
- 95 00 83 EC EC830095
- 0E 8B F4 8D 8DF48B0E
- 7E 28 BA 21 21BA287E
- 0A CD 85 83 8385CD0A
- C4 0E 8B D8 D88B0EC4
- B4 02 CD 85 85CD02B4
- 89 46 00 89 89004689
- 5E 02 CD 8F 8FCD025E
- 8C 46 32 B4 B432468C
- 00 CD 88 80 8088CD00
- E4 0F 89 46 46890FE4
- 30 9C FA 1E 1EFA9C30
- 07 9D 5D CB CB5D9D07
- 83 FB 04 72 7204FB83
- 05 B8 FC FF FFFCB805
- EB 51 8B F0 F08B51EB
- 55 E8 4F 00 004FE855
- 88 5E 20 FF FF205E88
- 36 12 00 8D 8D001236
- 46 04 A3 12 12A30446
- 00 FF 36 20 2036FF00
- 00 80 26 20 20268000
- 00 00 E4 14 14E40000
- C4 7E 30 26 26307EC4
- FE 45 0D 1E 1E0D45FE
- 07 8B FA B0 B0FA8B07
- 00 FF 5E 00 005EFF00
- 98 8B D8 C4 C4D88B98
- 7E 30 26 FE FE26307E
- 4D 0D 9C FA FA9C0D4D
- 1E 07 9D 8F 8F9D071E
- 06 20 00 80 80002006
- 3E 20 00 00 0000203E
- 74 02 E6 14 14E60274
- 8B C3 8F 06 068FC38B
- 12 00 5D CB CB5D0012
- 58 FF E0 E8 E8E0FF58
- FA FF 05 06 0605FFFA
- 00 8B E8 C3 C3E88B00
- 00 00 00 00 00000000
- 00 00 00 00 00000000
- 00 00 00 00 00000000
- 00 00 00 00 00000000
- 00 00 00 00 00000000
- 00 00 00 00 00000000
- 00 00 00 00 00000000
- 00 00 00 00 00000000
- 00 00 00 00 00000000
- 00 00 00 00 00000000
- 4C 4F 43 2E 2E434F4C
- 54 59 31 00 00315954
- 00 00 00 00 00000000
- If this code is placed at location bin%, then to initialize the code, call
- USR (bin% + 2, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- Then, to copy date from the flash card:
- rc% = USR (bin%, ADDR (loc&), drive%, length%, ADDR (buffer))
- copies length% bytes into the buffer, starting from address loc& on card
- drive% (0 is A:, 1 is B:, 2 is C:, etc.). A returned value of 0 indicates
- success.